Its not always sunshine and rainbows, but the sun will come out again

Life aint always easy

Life aint always easy

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Is any one even watching this?

So I did it.  "what now" you may ask.  I took those dreaded before pictures and oh my god.  I want to cry, in fact I did cry.  I will not be posting them if that is what you are thinking. No way, so it will be okay to scroll down this page.  But yeah NASTY. How did I let it get that bad? I have lived my whole life eating whatever I wanted and never gaining a pound. In fact I was so skinny that I was always asked the question if I had an eating disorder. No way, I was just skinny.  I think that now I have an eating disorder.  I can not stop eating.  I love to eat, and when I do, I do not stop when I am full, I keep going untill it is gone, sometimes I even go for more....So what am I doing to change this?


Yeah I did it.  I didnt want to spend the money but I did it.  I have bene doing it for three weeks but it has been a struggle.  I havent been as dedicated as I could or should be...NO more...Tomorrow I go hard core Weight Watchers.  Even when I struggled I seemed to lose two pounds.  So please stay tuned and follow my journey.  I am also starting C25K again tomorrow.  This time there is no slacking...My goal is to lose 30lbs in the next few months...Or atleast fit my clothes comfortably....:) STAY TUNED.....


Sweet and Savory by Sarah said...

Yay Tiffany! You go girl!!!

Ali Mc said...

Good for you. I totally understand where you are coming from. It's hard when you're used to being small. Dont are taking action & soon youll feel great :D