Its not always sunshine and rainbows, but the sun will come out again

Life aint always easy

Life aint always easy

Friday, July 5, 2013

Life is hard

Yes it is, Life sure is hard,
The last year has been a tornado for this family. We have been through hell and back but ya know what? We are still standing. It has been tough and there have been great days and awful good for nothing days. We have learned who our true friends are and that family isn't always blood. Most of all we have learned the importance of family and that no matter the distance my family ROCKS...
I truly believe that my family needed these hard lessons and though we are not totally out of the funk we will be soon. Life is hard yes, but it is all about what you make of the hard times that determine how you come out of the crap. I chose to come out of the crap still standing and happy.
I have spent a lot of time thinking and have realized I have became someone I am not really a fan of. I have became unhappy and resentful and I really do not like it. So whats a girl to do? Change this. I refuse to sit around and Facebook status how rough I have it or how its all poor me and stuff. Time for some major life changes,  SO... Out with the negative and in with the positive. Thank you life for the lessons and watch out world here come the NUNENKAMPS....