Its not always sunshine and rainbows, but the sun will come out again

Life aint always easy

Life aint always easy

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pregnancy is so beautiful

Ha, hell no.....

My guess would be that whoever came up with the statement " pregnancy is beautiful " was a man or a delusional woman.  I am having a hard time coming up with a long list of " beautiful" and an easy time coming up with " gross and yuck " well those are my non vulgar words. LOL

So lets see here, this is my list of "beautiful"...

1. The final product of a beautifully bathed baby boy or girl
2. The ability to not feel bad for cashing out a whole bag of potato chips just because you wanted to
3. The wonderful kicks and movements you get to feel...
4. .....
5. .....

Okay that is all I got...

Now lets look at the not so beautiful

Morning Sickness
What an awful name for it because really how many times does it only happen in the am? That would be great if it did because you could make plans around it instead of random " crap I need to run to the rest room and puke"..

Whats this all about? Someone told me that this is so your body gets used to it when baby comes. I mean really, does tossing and turning in your bed all night really prepare you for up every 2 hours to a screaming baby begging for food? Um, nope not even close, totally different. Let us sleep now because it will be at least a year before we know what sleep is again..

Yeah for those of us who generally do not have any boobs the first few months of pregnancy are great. They grow and you can actually wear a bra and look like you hit puberty, but after like month 6 gross. They are ginormous, covered in veins and lets face it ladies, leaking weird stuff. Yeah that makes one feel a little less then fabulous.  Pregnant boobs are so not attractive, I don't care who says they are..

Weight gain
Bless my hubbies heart for saying ALL the time " honey you are not fat you are pregnant". Okay so this explains why my belly is sticking out so far I can not see my feet but what about the rest? I am pretty sure there is no need for my arms to expand or for my thighs to become unrecognisable but hey maybe there is some reason out there and I have just not found it. 

Heart burn
Holy burning. Need I say more?

Yeah I know I know, woman don't have gas. Ha, so not true and even more false when preggers. Nothing like being in a quiet crowded area and OOOPS ... How horrifying right? That's right ladies it happens to us all and you know how you think " maybe no one will know it is me after all there are a ton of people in here" hell no, everyone will blame the preggers one because everyone knows we can not hold it in. Just suck it up and laugh because that is about all you can do.

Advice or should I say to much advice
Everyone has an opinion yes I know but I am not sure it always needs to be stated out loud. Yes I know this bag of chips I am cashing out isn't healthy duh who doesn't. Oh you wouldn't do it this way? Well I will. You wouldn't eat that or drink that? Well I will. Your Dr is doing that, wow that's not safe. I trust in my Dr. You should find a new Dr. Yeah probably not but thanx. Oh my gosh, when that happened to me this went horribly wrong. Stop. I mean stop please.
I appreciate all the advice I can get yes of course but the horror stories or the ones that have a negative outcome can be kept to yourself. I don't need fear I need positive... I understand everyone does things different and the way I do pregnant you may not but its the way I do it and it works for me just like your way worked for you..

The glowing skin
Yup today it glows but tomorrow it may look like  14 year old boy who just hit puberty.

The kicks
This goes is both beautiful and not. The first few months of being able to feel these little kicks and movements are AMAZING but in the final months OMG they hurt. Sometimes I swear he is trying to come out of my bellybutton. I always tell Andy, " when this kid is older I am going to randomly elbow him and just say " paybacks suck"...

I feel like I had more idea while I took that 3 minute shower I was able to take today.  Oh well add to it ladies if you want because I am sure there are way more...
The moral of this long story is this. Yes the end product is an AMAZING cute and cuddly baby that you love and adore. The 9 months it takes to get there well not so amazing. Agree??
XO ~ T