Its not always sunshine and rainbows, but the sun will come out again

Life aint always easy

Life aint always easy

Friday, January 6, 2012

My new dream bedroom

I am a cheap person, I wont deny that.  I like big fancy shiney things, I also wont deny that.  So how can you have all of these when you are poor and cheap?  Like this.....

So I have ALWAYS hated my bedroom. It wasnt a bedroom to me, it was just a room my bed was in. I hated going up there. It had wood paneling and just seemed like dead animals should be hanging on the walls.

You see we have a n attic bedroom and it is odd shaed and just dumb....SOOOOO.....

I got my butt in gear, came up with a plan, and I made it happen.  I now have an amazing bedrrom and I can not wait to get up there and go to bed....

Here is a peak...

I LOVE PINTEREST.....The furniture looks straight out of Pottery Barn...There really isnt anything I did not redo in my bedroom and I didnt go over $200...Go me...

Nighty night all...