Its not always sunshine and rainbows, but the sun will come out again

Life aint always easy

Life aint always easy

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

It's a hell of life

I had every intention to do a year in review this year but I can't. Lets be real here, this last year has been pretty awful. Anything bad that could have happened pretty much did. For 8 months straight Liam woke up every hour and a half all night. This made waking up and taking care of the girls next to impossible. I found myself feeling alone and trapped many days and on the good days, something would happen to ruin it.I was depressed, sad and never felt good enough.We have had more trials and tribulations in this one year than I care to admit but I gotta say this, we are still standing, I am still standing.  Maybe it hasn't been such an awful year, maybe this year was given to us to figure out where our places are in this world. Have I found that place? Heck no, but I am starting to. I am finally learning who I am and becoming who I want to be and modeling that person to my children. I want my kids to grow up knowing they can be who they want and do whatever they want in life.
Maybe if I turn it around and look at what I have gained this year it will seem way more positive.
1. Sure Liam came into our life with a bang, he really is the greatest little miracle ever and doing amazing
2. Even though I had to cut a few people out of my lives I gained some even better ones
3. I learned a lot about family over the last year and that my friends are my family
4. I found a great love for spin class
5. Everyone in my house is healthy and happy
6. My neighborhood has finally became the great one it used to be
And last.. I met some amazing family members who have made a huge impact on my life life just by meeting them once.
So life isn't as bad as I thought it was once I started to see it through not so sleepy eyes.