I am many things. First of all I am the most blessed person out there. I have so many amazing and beautiful friends and family in my life. I am a mom, a wife, a daughter a sister and a friend.
I am one of the sassiest people you will ever meet, yet I strive to be the kindest person. I have a huge heart that I got from my grandma and I hope to make her crazy proud some day. I love to help people and be there for them, sometimes ( as my bestie pointed out to me) so much that I forget to worry about myself. Yeah I worry about everything, no matter how big or small. I love life and in the past have forgotten to live it to its fullest, but I wont be making that mistake ever again. I believe that everyone is a good person and wish I could change the world. I want to make a difference and with my three side kicks this will happen. I would like to teach my children to give, and I try to lead by example. I am goofy, so goofy that I laugh at myself and sometimes think it is more exciting in my head then it is in the real world. I talk to myself and sing VERY loud while driving in the car.
I hate cold weather and everything that goes along with the winter months and yes I grew up in Wisconsin. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Spring. I have a huge personality and that can not always be a good thing but for the most part it has gotten me pretty far. I have many things planned for myself and my family over the next few years so stay tuned, heck join us if you would like. I am no super woman and I am completely and totally unorganized and I am far away from ever being a trophy wife. I am just ordinary old me..
I am many things but most of all, I am me...
Testing testing...
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