I know you have your own family and that it's not always easy to give money these days but here's a chance to DIRECTLY help save a child's life!
My wonderful friend, Trisha Knuth, and family are adopting a little boy, Seth, with severe Ep...idermolysis Bullosa. This rare disease occurs because of a missing protein that binds the two layers of skin together. The slightest bump or rub will cause skin to blister and fall off revealing wounds similar to 2nd and 3rd degree burns. Even the inside of the body is affected. EB children endure extreme pain daily. Seth currently lives in a group home and has never had a "constant" person that he can depend on to help him through his difficult life.
In order to adopt Seth, they need to build an home addition to meet his medical needs. Many are already donating their time/labor/skills but they need to raise money for building supplies.
For their story and how you can donate:
Trish is no stranger to EB as this will be their second adoption of a child with EB. When they adopted their first son, Charlie, they expected him to die. One year ago today, Charlie had a Stem Cell Transplant. He is one of the first children in the world with this disease that has ever seen such incredible results. No longer does skin fall off, they use 1/100th of the dressings that they used before, and he can enjoy life with out pain like a regular 5 year old boy should. This is why they are so hopeful and eager to adopt again and need your help!
Any amount will help! THANK YOU!
A Bedroom for Seth -- IndieGoGo
It takes a Village..help me save this boy..See More
A Bedroom for Seth -- IndieGoGo
It takes a Village..help me save this boy
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